Saturday, August 31, 2013

Step by Step to Create Your Own Trading System

It is not easy to find your own style of trading system.Spending a long times,a lot of money.Searching arround the internet.Try and error.And it's not a guarantee you will definitely find it.Have you ever experienced anything like that?
 Why do not you create your own Trading System?

You can Create as like as you want the System will appear on the chart.This way is not about mastery coding.Actually,I will tell you how to combine several indicator into a trading system.

 Step by Step to Create Your Own Trading System,here you are:

1. Place some of your favorit indicators into folder C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4 \experts\indicators.
Before you do it,at first you have to think in your mind that the indicators you choose are your best ones.Do you want the best result?That is it.

2.Open chart.
After chart opened. Choose the PAIR where you want the System has the best perfomance on it.

3. Attach the indicators.
Make the best setting one by one of the indicators.Note that you have not to attach many indicators on the chart,only one even nothing is enough if you think it is what you want to.

4.Appearance setting
Do this if you feel happy when you see the appearance of chart you made.At least it will help you in trading.It does not make you bored when to linger in front of chart.
Do the steps below:
  • Right Click--> Select properties.
Step by Step to Create Your Own Trading System

  • Make you best setting for your new system.

Step by Step to Create Your Own Trading System

Click 'OK'.And see the result.Or repeat it again,until you get your perfect setting.

5. Create Template

See image:
Click the arrow on the Tab Template
Step by Step to Create Your Own Trading System

Step by Step to Create Your Own Trading System

Click 'Save'.Your Trading System has been created. Don't forget to use BT tools to know perfomance of your new System.

6. The last step,Save Your System.
  • Go to : C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators, find the indicators of your trading System.Copy/paste to new Folder,example name: 'indicators'.
  • Go to : C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\templates,find your template.Copy/Paste to new Folder.Example name: 'Template'
  • Create your own rule of your Trading System.Save to new folder.For example: ' User Guide'.
  • Create New Folder again,give the name of your System then place all folders above into here.
  • Place the last Folder to the safe drive.
Please note that to create the Trading System by this way,you have to select and combine the indicators that support each other.So No missing performance.

Good luck!


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