Thursday, March 21, 2013

Forex Strategy,Gapping Plays

As always, there are exceptions to all rules. The Gapping Plays are those exceptions. As previously discussed, the gap at the top of a trend is the exhaustion gap. The same is said for the gap at the bottom of a trend. The appearance of those gaps is either the last gasp exhilaration (at the top) or the last gasp panic (at the bottom). However, the Gapping Plays represent a different set of circumstances at the top or bottom.
After a strong run up, it is not unusual to see a price back off and consolidate before the next leg up in a rally. This could be in the form of a back off in price or a backing off from further advance. The latter is a period of the price trading flat at the high end of the previous uptrend. After the flat trading period, a new burst of buying, causing a gap up, illustrates that the buyers have not been discouraged. This new buying is evident by the gap up. As a gap expresses enthusiasm, this is usually the reinstatement of the previous move, taking prices up to a new level.

As seen in Figure 16 - ITG, Investment Technology, the gap up after prices had stayed flat and at the top end of the last large white candle, for about a month and a half, finally convinced buyers that the sellers were not around. The gap up should have alerted the Candlestick investor that prices should be moving up to a new level. This becomes a High Level Gapping Play.

Figure 16 - Investment Technology
Forex System,Gapping Plays

The same is true for a declining trend. After a significant downtrend, prices level out. Once the sellers are convinced that there are no buyers around to move the price up, they can sell again with confidence. This confidence is seen in the gapping down of price. At that point, much lower prices can be expected.
As seen in Figure 17 - PCSA, Airgate PCS, after the price dropped dramatically, the buyers and sellers have a few days of indecision. The prices remain flat for three or four days. But after the sellers realize that the buyers are not strong enough to get the prices to move back up, they get out with force. This is known as a Low Price Gapping Play.

Figure 17 - Airgate PCS
Forex System,Gapping Plays

Next.............Dumpling Tops and Fry Pan Bottoms


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